Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Fund Dog Show Sunday June 8th 1:30pm

Its that time of year again!

Time for all those lovely dogs to strutt their stuff and make their owners proud and entertain the crowd.

Yes it the annual Snuff Mills Fun Dog Show.

No registration required just turn up
£1 per class and all proceeds go to DAWG and Snuff Mills

Cake and plant stand along with doggy goodies for sale

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Grove Wood Walk

A SMAG Grove Wood Walk with naturalist Rupert Higgins took place on Sunday, 18th May.
Rupert pointed out many of the great variety of woodland plants there & told us a bit about them and the Frome Valley. 

Photos c/o Richard Pring

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Come and Join us for a fun afternoon exploring the Oldbury Court Estate
Sunday 18th May 12 - 4:30pm 
Meet Near the Oldbury Court Cafe
The Botany Walk is the only event that needs booking and all events are Free!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Litter Pick and Easter Egg Hunt

As an update to the last Post the following events are taking place shortly

Sunday 13th April Litter Pick through Grove Wood 12.00 noon - meet at Grove wood entrance
lets give Grove Wood a spring clean whilst enjoying the wood anemone's and other spring delights.

Sunday 20th April Easter Egg Hunt 12.30pm Meet at the entrance to Grove Wood...
This is aimed at encouraging the local children of the area to enjoy and explore the woodland with their parents whilst gathering a few chocolate treats on their way..(This is not meant for a large audience and as such 100s of easter eggs will not be available but we should be able to cater for people who live locally with their young children..)

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Update March 2014

We've been busy since the last post and have lots of plans for this year.
We are just confirming some dates etc but we hope to be putting on the following events
Litter Pick -Sunday 13th April 12:00noon
Easter Egg Hunt 20th April 12:30pm
Oldbury Court Explorers Day 18th May (Plans are afoot with Bristol Festival of Nature for a joint event, just finalising details - keep your diaries free should be lots of activities)
Fun Dog Show 8th June 1.30pm
Family Fun Day Sun 31st August (location to be confirmed Laundry Field??)
Winter Festival Sun 7th Dec

You may have noticed we have also installed cycle planters in the car park recently with thanks to Bristol City Council for the funding. These have been located in places where cars are not supposed to park. This will enable emergency services to be able to get into the park without obstruction and when leaving the car park will also help in providing better visibilty.

After several years of asking we have eventually managed to secure some funding from Bristol City Council to repair some of the footpaths leading into Snuff Mills. This will however mean that the footpath will be closed on Tuesday 18th all day. You can still walk along the grass on the left but will have to hop off a low wall at the end!