We assume the men who are doing the job have been hired by Mr Jafari. They are also removing the tree that almost fell onto the cafe a couple of years ago as it too was blocking the river. However it must be noted that they do not have a remit to carry out any further tree works.
We have had reports of walkers being subject to abuse by people who are working in the wood, one of whom is Mr Jafari's son. If this happens to you, please email or post something on our blog. See here for further details of these incidents.

Hopefully, after these 'essential' tree works the woodland and its wildlife will be left alone. Anything else would be completely unreasonable, especially following the recent logging and removal fallen trees. Bizarrely, very little urgency was expressed by the Environment Agency in June 2008 when a whole tree canopy was reported to have fallen into the river.
The willow had been like that for years, but it needed doing, eventually.
However, this is such a sensitve time for the future of Grove Wood, I do think the local person who complained could have waited until the wood is in truly safe hands.
I understand that Stapleton Conservation Society were asked to complain about the willow too, but they refused to do so because they were worried about the consequencies.
Turns out this was a wise precaution, as I was told that Mair asked the EA to ask for the felling of a lot more trees, but they refused to play ball.
Good job too, otherwise we could have had yet more tree carnage in Grove Wood.
"...very little urgency was expressed by the Environment Agency in June 2008 when a whole tree canopy was reported to have fallen into the river."
Remember that this originated as a request from a resident in the area who expressed concerns about flooding which I imagine added weight to it. Much more alarmingly for us is the fact that Jafari's agent/solicitor, Mr Mair, then asked for permission to fell more trees, which was refused. Hence the request to be on the look out for any more 'works'.
Saw the two gentlemen yesterday, having their packed lunch while sat next to their chainsaws and under a TPR notice about felling trees illegally.Had nice smiles.
Their white Transit van was close by. Presumed all was legal and above board.
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