UPDATE (Aug): Jafari appeared in Court yesterday, but the case did not proceed because John Mair could not prove he was allowed to practice as a solicitor in England (he is apparently registered in Scotland). Jafari now wants a barrister to represent him.
While the container has been removed, the Council want to proceed with this case because it has only been removed 'temporarily' and they want to make sure that he does not pull a fast one and stick it back there when we aren't looking!
Original Post: Mr Housang 'chopper' Jafari, landowner of Grove Wood, will be facing more charges at Bristol Magistrates Court for the next two days.
Exactly what these proceesings are about will not be revealed until the case starts, but Bristol City Council are involved, so we suspect it has something to do with Grove Wood. Perhaps it is about the fact that he did not remove the container when instructed, although two days seem quite a long time for such a matter.
If you fancy popping along, it's in Court 7 from 10am each day. We are uncertain if 'chopper' will be there, but no doubt his sidekick, sorry 'solicitor', John Mair will be representing him.
A very interesting update.So Jafari is looking for a barrister to represent him.Surely John Mair could just find the relevant certificate if he is a solicitor in Scotland.I suppose we will just have to wait and see who represents him at the next hearing in September.
Just when we thought this story could not get anymore ridiculous.....
I don't think Mair is really a solicitor. perhaps the Judge sussed that.
Blimey, it's true! John Mair is registered with the Law Society of Scotland. That company name and address look very familiar. Well, just goes to show anyone can be a solicitor if they do the exams.
Full Name:
Mr John David Mair
Lion Limited
10 Marine Gardens
G51 1HH
Contact Information:
Date Admitted:
Website Address:
Still begs the question why he couldn't demonstrate his credentials in court - presumably he has been in court before and should know the drill?
he doesnt seems to a solicitor....he should be charged..
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