Remember 2008?
Back in 2008, the new landowner of Grove Wood, self styled Lord Jafari:
* Cut down trees without permission, breaking the rules in a Conservation Area
* Bulldozed part of Grove Wood making a mess and disturbing wildlife along the riverbank
* Employed a 'park-keeper' known as Rick to frighten people out of the woods
* Erected a container at the entrance to the woods, breaking planning rules
* Put up ugly metal fencing to try to stop people using Grove Wood
* Applied to cut down the trees in Grove Wood next to Blackberry Hill
Since then, Jafari's attempts to ruin Grove Wood have been successfully stopped thanks to the support of hundreds of people. Together we have:
* Persuaded the Council to place a Woodland Tree Preservation Order on Grove Wood, protecting every tree, big or small
* Campaigned so that Jafari's permitted development rights have been removed (preventing new containers or fencing going up in the woods)
Once last job to do
Now we need to do one last thing to protect Grove Wood - protect our rights to enjoy it by encouraging the Council to register it as a Town Green.
Last year a hearing took place to work out whether Grove Wood qualifies as a Town Green. The Inspector at the hearing has recommended that it should be registered as a Town Green and the Council's Public Rights of Way Committee will consider this recommendation at a meeting on Thursday 15th March from 2pm at the Council House. You can help us by sending a statement to the Committee, joining us at a demonstration outside the Council House before the meeting and speaking at the meeting yourself.
Your statement
Send a statement to by noon on 14th March. Please title your email: FAO PROW Committee 15th March: Grove Wood Town Green Statement
Please just tell the committee what having Grove Wood as a Town Green would mean to you. You could talk about the uses you make of it, how long you have used it and how you would feel if you lost access to it. We will post examples of other people's statements here to inspire you, so please send a copy of your statement to us at - we will post it anonymously if you wish.
If you want to speak at the meeting, please make this clear in your statement.
One last demonstration?
We had planned to hold one last protest outside the Council House on College Green at 1.30pm on Thursday 15th March, but because they have been recommended to register Grove Wood as a Town Green m we are not doing this now.
Speaking at the meeting
You can speak at the meeting provided you have put in a statement. You can just summarise your statement in front of the Committee. The meeting starts from 2pm in the Council House.
Here's what Mike has sent in:
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to urge the council's Public Rights of way Committee to follow the Inspector's recommendation and declare Grove Wood a town green in order to protect it once and for all from the threat of development. Since moving to Fishponds in 2005 I have regularly walked through this wonderful oasis of nature with my children. It is such a special place and I was horrified when the wood came under threat in recent times. I am not normally an 'activist' but I was moved to demonstrate at the Council House and in the wood itself. The council has been extremely diligent in investigating the case for protecting the wood. It seems to me that the case for doing so has been proved beyond doubt, so it simply remains for the committee to rubber stamp a common sense decision. If you do so it will be a tremendous victory for democracy. The people of Stapleton, Fishponds and many others from across the city want to see Grove Wood become a town green. I for one look forward to the committee doing the right thing on this issue.
Kind regards,
Kate's comments to the Committee:
My family have used the woods for recreation for generations - my 96 year old Great Uncle played in the woods and the stream as a boy and now my 10 year old daughter plays in the same woods. As a regular runner I use the woods for sport, and enjoy this valuable and precious green space so close to the city. We need to keep these green spaces: they improve wellbeing, provide opportunities for sport and recreation, enable children to learn about nature and provide us with living reminders of the importance of our environment and history. My daughter's school is starting to use Snuff Mills as part of their 'forest school' opportunities, and last April her class and others wrote you some lovely illustrated letters about why they wanted Grove Woods and its trees and wildlife protected as a Town Green. Children certainly need an awareness of the fragility and diversity of the natural world, in a future where eco-awareness and sustainable living will become vital.
I have supported this campaign since the start and have completed the surveys - woods such as Grove Woods are the green lungs of the city, and the council would be leading the way in 'green thinking' if it protected this valuable part of our heritage in order to sustain Bristol's green spaces.
Yours sincerely,
Lynn's remarks:
To whom it may concern
I walk with my family and friends on a regular basis in Grove Wood- I go up there at least two or three times a month . Ive been walking there for at least 15 years.
Grove Wood is a much needed green resource in the city. I want to preserve the right to use it for my grandchildren and their childrens children.
Please register Grove Wood as a Town Green.
Yours Sincerely
Here's what Ann says:
Dear Sir/ Madam
I would like appeal to you to convince you that to give Grove woods Town green status. Its the right action to take, I walk that way at least once a week, its so helpful
for my emotional well being as I need to get away from the city and the stress. It is so great to be so close to the woods where one be with nature and the diversity
in wildlife plants and the fresh air. I have used these woods for 20 years and I sincerely hope that I and others will be able to continue for the next 20 years plus! without
fear of people trying to change it, its so important for children adults and their pets to enjoy and renew their energies.
It is a great place for families friends to meet and play rest and just be themselves so again I ask you all to make this wonderful area a safe place for us all now and the
future and ensure it will still exist for all the wildlife and for us and all of our children's children.
Thank you/
Yours faithfully
Here's Bob's statement:
I have lived in Fishponds since 1954 and as a child I used Grove Wood for den making (a second home during those seemingly endless school Summer holidays) climbing, learning the skills of net fishing, stocking a vivarium for frogs, newts and toads and bird spotting (where I had my first magical sighting of Sparrowhawks, Kingfishers and Tree creepers). Latterly I still use Grove Wood for recreational purposes (Walking/ Bird watching / Enjoying nature in its own habitat) and Leisure purposes (Photography / Industrial Archaeological History research). My young sons equally enjoyed the area for activities with the uniformed organisations (wide games / badge earning). The area is a very popular venue for others who indulge in similar and more energetic pursuits freely (Running / Fishing /Orienteering ), naturally observing only simple, common sense rules that govern the conduct of persons enjoying this privilege and pleasure without any necessary permission, restriction or hinderance, while meeting others with mutual interests .
My specific fascination with Grove Wood is the site of Curty’s Mill, which was demolished when the present road bridge over the river was constructed. Maps in the Gloucester Records Office indicate that the Mill covered a fairly large area, comprising the Mill itself, outbuildings and gardens. The earliest reference to a mill on this site is 1606 and as such, this area should surely constitute, be preserved, explored and documented as a site of specific archaeological interest.
Curty’s Mill was one of 5 mills working on a very short stretch of the River Frome from Kings Mill below Oldbury Court House to Lathbury Mill, which was located in the lower corner of Colstons School playing field.
The purpose of my research is to create an illustrated document, which will be offered initially to the archives of Bristol Industrial Archaeological Society and other parties, who have expressed an interest in the completed work and the wealth of industrial heritage in this area, to which Curty’s Mill has made a significant contribution.
Yours sincerely
Andrew's remarks (minus his original evidence statement):
I write to urge the Council to adopt the Inspector’s recommendation and register Grove Wood as a Town Green. It would seem to me to be entirely ridiculous to have gone to the trouble and expense of an enquiry and then do anything but follow the advice of the expert.
Please find attached a copy of my original submission on the matter.
Here's Sue's comments to the Committee:
I understand that the Council Public Rights of Way Committee meet to discuss the possible registration of
Grove Wood as a Town Green on Thursday, 15th March.
I am writing to urge the Committee to follow the Inspector's recommendation, and approve the registration.
As a local resident who daily walks through the Frome Valley to and from Snuff Mills, the tranquility of the area
is of vital importance to me. The abundant wildlife is a constant joy and interest, as are the reminders of the
geological past of the area in fossil evidence which unexpectedly presents itself. Everyone I meet walking
in the valley is of the same mind, whether they are going to school, walking dogs, going to work or the shops,
or just enjoying a break from an otherwise busy and noise-filled day. Whilst most people walk on the council-
owned side of the river, the Grove Wood side provides the peaceful backdrop and relatively undisturbed areas
for wildlife habitat and observation. It is a resource far to valuable to squander.
Yours sincerely
Maureen and Andy's statement:
FAO PROW Committee 15th March: Grove Wood Town Green Statement Myself and my partner walk through Grove Wood every single day, rain or shine. We have been walking through it for 17 years. We both work in administration and therefore spend a lot of our working day sitting at a computer. I developed a painful back due to being so inactive. I was determined to walk more often and as soon as we moved to Fishponds we started walking. Living so close to Grove Wood, this has become integral to our walk. It has been a Godsend! I feel I am walking in a safe friendly environment. We meet many of the same strollers, dog walkers, horse riders and after a hectic day it is so refreshing to be able to walk in our own neighbourhood. We always come back refreshed.I do feel that these kinds of areas are not always valued by people who live outside the community. In this situation it is so necessary to listen to the people who live locally. Reasons for living and staying in a community are varied but we all know that the immediate environment is crucial. I work with people who live all over Bristol and they all have something they feel that suits their needs and is the reason they love to live where they do. Fishponds doesn't have a bustling high street, with the cafes, bars, music available in other areas of Bristol, but it has something so fundamental to this area. As I walk round my neighbourhood, I know by speaking to my neighbours and shop keepers that we all love Fishponds for what it does offer.If Grove Wood were to become a Town Green, it would be there for the community to use and the next generation. Please make Grove Wood a town green, it is a gem in our community and we love it. Kind Regards
Another Andrew ha his say:
Dear Committee Members, I am writing to urge you to pass the Town Green Application for Grove Wood, Stapleton asrecommended by the Inspector after the enquiry that was held last year. I was one of the people that gave evidence to that enquiry and I'm keen to have the woods protectedonce and for all and for the land to remain free for us to use for all the various activities andpastimes that go on there. I still use the woods for walking and bird watching as I always have andcan certainly vouch for the large numbers of other people who do the same, or similar, as I liveopposite the part of the land near to the main road in Stapleton. Please vote to register Grove Wood as a Town/Village Green. Thanks you, Andrew
Dear Sirs, I understand that the Council's Public Right of Way Committee will meet on March 15th to consider the Inspectors recommendation that Grove Wood be granted Town and Village green registration.
I would like to express my support for this to be done. I attended the hearing at the Council House last year and gave evidence of my use of Grove Wood since 1953 and answered all the questions put to me by the current owners.
I have used Grove Wood regularly in my walks around the area using both the top and bottom footpaths, and have always valued its unique atmosphere. I was as horrified as everybody else to see the destruction of part of the woodland by the current owners before restrictions were placed on them. I was also against any possible developments in the wood.
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the meeting as I have go into hospital.
I would urge the Committee therefore to grant Town Green status to the wood and so protect it for this and future generations.
Yours sincerely
Chris' submission:
To whom it may concern
I am writing to ask the Public Rights of Way Committee to register Grove Wood in Stapleton as a Town Green, in line with the Independent Inspector's recommendation in his report for Bristol City Council published in January this year.
I have been concerned about the situation concerning Grove Wood since January 2008, when the current owner destroyed many healthy trees with complete disregard for the wildlife that used them as habitats, such as bats and owls. He appeared to have no appreciation of the value of this historic site, which is designated ancient woodland and was part of the mediaeval Kingswood Forest. It is also situated in the Stapleton Conservation area.
Since 2008 I have made various statements and representations to different Council meetings and appeared as a witness on behalf of Snuff Mills Action Group, in the Town Green Enquiry. I have encouraged Councillors to recognise the importance of Grove Wood not only for local people but for all residents of Bristol. I attended one Council meeting dressed as a kingfisher, to draw attention to the kingfishers' habitat that had been destroyed by the inappropriate creation of a bund along the riverbank in Grove Wood. I was very relieved when all the Councillors voted to impose a Tree Preservation Order on the whole wood and this was confirmed in 2010. However, this action on its own is insufficient to preserve the wood for local people to enjoy.
I have been a resident of the local area for most of my life and visited Grove Wood frequently with my parents when growing up in Stapleton. When I moved to my current address in 1978, I walked my dogs on a daily basis in Grove Wood and encouraged my children to play games of hide and seek. Now my grandchilren also enjoy playing in the woods and I teach them the names of the wild flowers that grow there.
I particularly enjoy the tranquil atmosphere that Grove Wood provides, in contrast with Snuff Mills park which is situated opposite. It is particularly attractive in the spring with the woodland filled with birdsong and I try to identify the different species. I hear woodpeckers but don't manage to see them. Grove Wood is enjoyed for a variety of pursuits and I regularly see people jogging, walking their dogs, Ramblers' Groups or families having picnics in the warmer months.
It is important the wood is protected so it can continue to be enjoyed for lawful sports and past times, as it has been for generations. It needs to be awarded Town Green status to ensure it can never be developed and will remain an amenity for present and future citizens.
I do hope members of the PROW Committee will recognise the value of Grove Wood to the local community and thus confirm the Inspector's recommendation at the meeting today.
Submitted by Mrs Christine
Is it possible to get hold of or see a copy of the Inspector's recommendations? That would be very useful in preparing a statement in support.
Dave's statement, minus his original witness statement:
Dear Sirs
The Hearing has taken place, the Inspector has produced his report, and it is now time for the Council to act. All evidence is weighted in favour of Grove Wood being designated a Town Green, so preserving this vital amenity for local people to enjoy for generations to come. If Localism is to mean anything then the views of those of us who have walked, played and in many cases, courted, in Grove Wood over the preceding decades needs to be upheld and the Committee must designate this historic strip of woodland a Town Green.
I include a statement outlining my family’s long association with the Wood as originally submitted to last years hearing.
Yours sincerely
Claire's statement:
Please consider this statement in support of the Councils decision to make Grove Wood a Town Green, in line with the recommendation from the Planning Officer, who undertook the enquiry in April 2011.
I submitted a statement, and was interviewed as part of that enquiry on April 5th 2011. I still live within a short distance of the back of Grove Wood, accessed from the Laundry field in Fishponds, and continue to use the wood and nearby park through Snuff Mills on a regular basis.
Having such a natural environment to enjoy on my door-step is wonderful and I’m very keen to see it preserved for time immemorial, given it’s rich and diverse history.
I have supported the Snuff Mills Action Group in their campaign to preserve this environment for many years and continue to help on site in the garden where I can. It was a huge disappointment when the current land-owner acquired the site and then began to restrict access to the public. His record of maintaining the woodland area has been woefully inadequate since 2008, with fallen trees often obstructing the walkways and public footpath leading through the wood.
I urge you to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to make this small but unique area of Bristol, a Town Green. It is enjoyed by numerous people from all over the city, being especially busy each weekend. I have seen children and adults (dog)- walking, jogging, clambering over trees and enjoying access to the river and steep climbing slopes – a wonderful outdoor playing ground, and an increasing rarity within such a busy city.
Thank-you, in anticipation.
Kind regards,
Katie's comments:
I wanted to write to give my support, and to support the local residents, for Grove Wood becoming a Town Green.
I have lived in Fishponds for nearly 20 years and use the area personally (about twice a week, for exercise and pleasure) and recommend it to others, for example for it's assets i.e. wildlife, aesthetic qualities, opportunities for exercise (whether gentle or challenging), in a green space despite being close to the city, the wellbeing it provides our citizens without having to travel far etc.
The area is one of beauty and peace, at a time when open/green spaces are diminuishing rapidly all around us and as such is a cherished rarity that should be fought for and protected.
Ever increasing scientific evidence tells us that green spaces enhance everyone's wellbeing, and particularly for those who are disadvantaged or have disabilities.
As a resident of the area, it feels right to protect this accessible area from development for the local people and their visitors for their enjoyment, wellbeing and for posterity.
Best wishes,
Dear City Council
I am writing to urge you to follow the Inspector's recommendation and approve the registration of Grove Wood as a Town Green.
Having lived in Stapleton since 1978, Grove Wood to me and my family has been an amenity that we have used regularly and wish to continue to do so, and the thought that this lovely ancient woodland could be endangered in any way fills us with horror.
We have campaigned tirelessly to get to this point, and it would be devastating for such a unique and precious resource not to be allowed to remain for the use of the community now and for future generations.
Yours sincerely
Dear Councillors,
Please implement the independent inspector's recommendation to
register Grove Wood as a Town or Village Green as it clearly serves
the local community and wider population of Bristol for the twenty
year period outlined in the application, and most likely well beyond
this time frame. Having regularly used Grove Wood for walks and other
leisure activities I would like to express my deepest and sincerest
support for the land to be granted such status. Grove Wood is one of
the most important areas of green space that provides a natural
environment to enjoy all kinds of leisure and recreation, with minimal
impact upon its environment and micro-habitat. The area must be
preserved for future generations to enjoy free and open access as this
contributes greatly to people's quality of life, both physical and
mental. In making your decision please remember the current
landowner's endangerment of wildlife and disturbance to the local
community. I therefore urge your committee to grant Town Green status
at the earliest possible date to ensure the footpaths and entire space
remains open to the public and local community.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Sir/Madam
I understand that later this week a decision will be taken as to whether or not to designate Grove Wood as a Town Green. My wife and I wish to register our strong support for this designation to be made.
Since moving to Fishponds in 2006 my wife and I have walked through Grove Woods at least once a week - walking our dogs and taking exercise ourselves. When visited by friends and family we regularly take them for "a walk in the woods" something which frequently takes our visitors by surprise, as they expect this to involve a car journey rather than a walk from our front door. We frequently extol the virtues of our "Green City" and feel that Grove Wood should remain part of Bristol's green space, so that we, our families and the many people we encounter there should be able to continue to benefit from the quality of life to which it contributes.
Steve & Linda
Dear Council members,
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my support for the town Green application for Grove Wood, Stapleton.
As mentioned in my statement (attached), I have lived in Stapleton for nearly all of my life. My father was born in River View opposite Grove Wood. This was his childhood playground.
I and many others of my family have used and continue to use and enjoy the wood for various past times. As children, my brothers and I plus our friends would often build "dens" in the bushes and Ivy that adorned the step slops. Quite often we would fish from the bank for tiddlers.
Over the years I have witnessed many activities in the Wood from just people jogging to mountain biking, exploring the wildlife, Scouts orienteering and generally enjoying the "other-side of the river" from Snuff Mills. We didn't know it as Grove wood when I was younger and took it for granted that it was part of Snuff Mills.
I hope that you are able to grant Town Green status as so many people, not only in Stapleton but in Bristol and surrounding areas generally, feel that this is a great place and should be enjoyed and available to everyone and anyone.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Dear Sir/Madam,
Ever since I can remember I have used Grove Wood, Eastville Park and Snuff Mills. From my earliest childhood memories they are there. My sister and I would walk over the hills of Purdown down to Snuff Mills and depending on how we were feeling would choose the lower path of snuff mills or the more exciting rambling Wood walks of Grove Wood.
We literally spent hours of our childhood climbing up and down the hills through Grove Wood making up games and generally admiring the cool water views.
As an adult I now live within 5 minutes of this area and we would take our children every weekend and holidays to ramble through these woods once again. They are free and it costs nothing to keep children entertained for hours walking and learning about these surroundings. They are in their twenties now and they still talk about the area with great fondness. My husband and I continue to use the whole area, in walking our dog and again enjoying for ourselves the beautiful surroundings .
This whole area can be enjoyed in any season each season holds something magical and through it all the beautiful River running through it. It is a peaceful place, something rare in today's busy world. It really comes into it own in the Summer months, you only have to go to the shop/car park to see how busy it is. It's so rare to find these little havens, when you consider how close it is to the City and Motorways. It is a great escape, from the hussle and bussle of daily life.
If Grove Wood was to go it would really spoil everything about the whole area, there are so few places you can escape and relax, especially as it's free. I can't tell you how extremely upset I'd be if anything happened to this area.
Yours Faithfully Clare
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing ask you to register Grove Wood as a Town Green as recommended by the Planning Inspector. I have roamed the wood several times each year over the past 50 years. I have taken my family there and led official and unofficial walks through the woods. I go there because it is unspoilt and a haven for wildlife. It should become a Town Green so that future generations may gain the same pleasures as I have done rambling through the wood. This information was included in my original witness statement.
Councillors and Officers
This is - possibly - the last in a series of statements concerning the future of Grove Wood. Finally, after several years of effort by a dedicated group of local residents, with strong support from the community, we have a recommendation from the appointed Inspector to grant Town Green status to Grove Wood. As the Council has already expended significant amounts of tax payers' money on this process, not least on six days of public inquiry, it would seem utter folly to come to any conclusion other than to implement the Inspector's recommendation.
For several generations Grove Wood has been freely enjoyed by residents of the Stapleton and Fishponds areas, and continues to be enjoyed today for its abundant wildlife, peaceful character and escape from the busier Snuff Mills and adjacent areas frequented by many more visitors from far and wide.
I have enjoyed walking and exploring in the wood for the past fourteen years and consider it an important local amenity providing a much valued ancient woodland.
Wildlife including deer, fox, badger, otter, kingfisher and many other birds, as well as some rare examples of plants thrive in the wood and are appreciated by the visitors.
The lack of facilities lend a completely different character to this area, with no tarmac, toilets, refreshments etc, making it uniquely wild in the city.
The suitability of Grove Wood as a Town Green was amply demonstrated during the public inquiry, and the depth and breadth of experience of the witnesses who testified to their own use of the wood was impressive and should leave the Council in no doubt as to the appropriate course of action
I trust the Committee will arrive at the only sensible conclusion and designate Grove Wood a Town Green with immediated effect, securing it for the community for future generations.
I am writing to strongly urge the Council to register Grove Wood as a Town Green .
I have lived very close to these woods for over twenty years, where I go walking twice a day. People from our local neighbourhood value greatly this green space for its wealth of wildlife. I’ve seen muntjac deer, bats, herons and buzzards and regularly hear tawny owls hoot at night.
During this same period of time, I began walking through Grove Wood with my son when he was younger and now walk the same ways with my three year old granddaughter.
I feel strongly that Grove Wood should be protected from any threat of damaging development for the future benefit of all.
Grove Wood Town Green Statement
As residents of Stapleton (25 years) for as long as we can remember Grove Wood has always been used by the local community for various leisure pursuits.
Apart from this, Grove Wood is part and parcel of the whole ambience of the valley. Any alteration in its use would be detrimental to wildlife and take away a much loved leisure facility.
We would therefore urge you to protect Grove Wood by accepting the recommendations of the Independent Inspector to classify it as a town green.
Sandra & Keith
Dear Sirs,
I would sincerely encourage you to support the inspector in his findings regarding Grove Wood.
This area should be registered as a Town Green and be ecologically managed to support the diverse wildlife that I know reside there.
The area surrounding the Frome valley at this point is one of the last bastions of "British Countryside" in Bristol that enables rural sports and pastimes to be enjoyed alongside a truly wild habitat.
The Snuff Mills action group have worked relentlessly on the behalf of all the local residents to maintain Grove Wood as a safe haven for wildlife, however, I know of many people and schools throughout the Bristol area that enjoy the diversity of Grove Wood, who will also benefit from the group's actions and your decision.
Let us be proud of the legacy we would leave and be able to say "I know I did right for generations to come".
We need to preserve this area from development both now and in the future.
yours sincerely
I would just like to state why I would like Grove Wood to become a Town Green. I have been enjoying walking and cycling down to Snuff Mills for the last 16 years from Downend varying the route, sometimes via Grove Wood sometimes just enjoying the view of Grove Wood from the other side of the river whilst having a coffee at the cafe. I have carried my children down there whilst they were too young to walk, I have cycled with them when they got bigger down to Snuff Mills and now they are old enough they sometimes take their friends there and I am hoping one day to take my grandchildren down there. At the moment I really enjoy the walk with my dog through Grove Wood and when I have enough time I take the long way home on my bike and enjoy the long slog up the hill and even better is the thrill of whizing down the hill on the way to work. Special moments for me have been sitting at the coffee shop and seeing a Kingfisher with a fish, watching a robin come close up for bread crumbs and seeing my daughters smiles when the reach the halfway mark at Snuff Mills. Having Grove Wood as a Town Green would allow my family and many other families to continue to enjoy the wildlife, the walks, the cycles, the peace and quiet. To loose this area to a developer would be extremely sad, a big financial gain to a few people but an even bigger loss to a great number of people. So I would urge those that have the influence to make the right choice and make Grove Wood a Town Green for the greater interest of many people.
Kind regards
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